We provide two FULLY FUNDED part time programs for young adults aged 16-30, who live in or who have connections with South Auckland.
We also work with organisations to deliver a range of bespoke solutions helping achieve positive outcomes.

Resilient & Driven
Start to make some real change by learning more about you
How you operate and why you do and say the things you do. CRD will ensure your confidence, resilience, and communication skills go to a new level whilst helping you figure out where your next step is. A well balanced mix of interpersonal and technical skills to adequately prepare you for that next job!

Launch & Grow
Keen to start your
entrepreneurial journey?
ILG will help you understand the ins and outs of business while improving essential skills including; self-awareness, confidence, resilience, communication skills and overall leadership capability. We’ll connect you with industry professionals ensuring you’re well-positioned for success!

Let us tailor
a program
Want to impact and target a specific audience - contact us!
From helping high school students to experience the corporate space, to understanding the strength their culture, upbringing and community brings to who they are, to lifting their level of confidence, drive and resilience - we've got you covered!
South Auckland Young Entrepreneurs was founded with the sole purpose to empower and enable young adults in the South Auckland community, helping them succeed in employment and business.
With the support of Foundation North and other community organisations, we aim to provide the opportunity for our participants to experience the benefits of executive-level training. Our tailored programmes will help participants gain experience, clarity and confidence whilst identifying the heights of their potential, ultimately succeeding in their chosen direction.

Founder Jerome Tairi and his wife, Jaime.